Closed for Business

Some of you may have already noticed/seen the slight decline in activity on this account. This is due to the closure of the business. Unfortunately due to events outside of my control, I have had to make the hard decision to close this business.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish a huge gratitude to everyone involved in the business over the years and every single one of my clients. You made the work so enjoyable – and I thank you greatly for the opportunity to have worked with you! I have learned so much by launching this business, and it truly has been amazing – it is something I have always wanted to do – and now I can say I did. It is unfortunate that I cannot continue for the time being.

Please do keep your eyes peeled however – as I will be transforming the website ( into a hobby photography showcase – and of course there is always a little possibility the business could return in the future….

…Watch this space.

Thanks again everyone!


Please note – all clients online galleries will remain live as per the terms of your contract. Online orders from the gallery will still remain live and order-able.

Timothy Older

Timothy Older

Level 4 Photography and Photoshop Accredited.
Photographing Weddings, Portraits, Business Events, and more.

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