We knew it was coming, and now it is official – lockdown 3.0. With the new strain being more infectious, it is even more important to continue to be disciplined with social distancing and no mixing as per governmental guidelines. Please refer to your local government for local restrictions.

For us photographers, we have been in this situation a lot recently – bookings being moved or cancelled altogether. Reviewing our websites with the spare time, updating catalogues and infographics for our future customers etc etc. We’ve spent so much time doing this – we’ve probably finished in most cases, and even competed tax returns early for a change. During this lockdown, I will be using the time to review my vast back catalogue – the terabytes and terabytes of DNG files. What can I do with previously shot images, now I have newer knowledge and newer styles. What can I improve on in camera with my new experiences. Use this time wisely and better yourself even more. It’s also a great time for your family – this is unprecedented and we will probably not experience time like this again in our lives. Cherish those family moments – and get it on camera, save it. Phone your loved ones, friends and family, that you may not have even spoken with in months or years – check they’re ok.

Timothy Older

Timothy Older

Level 4 Photography and Photoshop Accredited.
Photographing Weddings, Portraits, Business Events, and more.

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