NAG 50th Anniversary – Afternoon Tea – Saturday 19th August 2017

By Invitation Only…

Saturday was marked as the invitation only tea party, as part of New Ash Green’s 50th Anniversary celebrations. The day was a day of cake, sandwiches, and tea – whilst enjoying the Roger Luxton band – and some singing from the local vocals. It was a superb day, enjoyed by all – and hosted brilliantly by the new ash green scouts.

The full images, can be found over on our gallery store. Take a look – there are over 350 images to view…

For more information about the NAG 50th Anniversary, click here to go the NAG VA website.

Thank you for viewing. 🙂

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Timothy Older

Timothy Older

Level 4 Photography and Photoshop Accredited.
Photographing Weddings, Portraits, Business Events, and more.

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