**Special Delivery** – Something’s Coming to you Karen & Michael ;)

Album and USB

Special Delivery

for Karen & Michael Nelson

Karen & Michael Nelson… look at this special delivery winging it’s way to you!

A limited selection of images from Karen & Michael’s wedding, Saturday 29th July 2017, Brands Hatch Place Hotel & Spa, Fawkham, will be available shortly. This is to give them some time to all the images before them being published.

The online gallery will be available from 17th August 2017.

Album and USB Album and USB Album and USB

Getting Married in 2017-8?

As stated on the front page of the website, my services are currently not for hire, and I am purely portfolio building and showcasing my work. I hope to be trading from Q4 2018, however, if you have a wedding coming up this year or next, still do get in touch. I have a great array of contacts for wedding photography, and am sure I can point you in the right direction for a great wedding photographer. The above images is a very simple example of the kind of package contents that will be available from me Q4 2018 going forward.

Thank you for viewing.

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Timothy Older

Timothy Older

Level 4 Photography and Photoshop Accredited.
Photographing Weddings, Portraits, Business Events, and more.

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